Monday, April 9, 2012

Don't forget your blessings!

When I decided to update, it was because I needed a breather. Amid the bill paying, house cleaning and baby wrangling, I sometimes forget to "stop and smell the roses." My great-grandmother often says that when she can't sleep, she just starts counting her blessings until she drifts off. I've always appreciated this about her, because I know that her life hasn't been super easy (or super hard, for that matter), and that she could have definitely gotten dragged into the mire with her thinking if she'd have let herself. Love is a choice. Blessing or cursing is a choice. Forgiveness and thankfulness are choices. And, certainly, happiness is something we must choose for ourselves. Oftentimes I can get stuck on the fact that I'm tired/sore/sick/worried about money/etc. I worry that my house will never get as clean as the ones around me. I get concerned that I'm not living up to the expectations of others who have preschoolers, too. I don't spend my nights searching the internet for craft ideas for my daughter, or interesting ways to use noodles and finger paint (other than the 1 billion I see on pinterest). I have decided to go with the plan that Grandma had-focus on the positives. What would happen in my life if I decided to change my direction? Would my family suddenly be wealthy? Overflowing with favor? Healthy as we've ever been? I really have no way of knowing what would happen. But, what would happen if I DIDN'T change my focus? Statistics have shown that people who have high stress levels have more sick days, have less satisfaction in their jobs and relationships, and (ultimately) are unhappier. I definitely think it's worth the effort! When my husband and I got married, we walked out of the church to John Waller's The Blessing. We will choose to be a blessing for life! Not just when things are going my way.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

"Good Will" (and Pattern) Hunting...

Alright, I know that's a terrible title for this post, but it's indicative of what I'm up to. :) This time of year is prime time to hit the GCF and Salvation Army stores, because so much awesome stuff is donated. People get new stuff for Christmas, don't have anywhere to put it, and they end up donating things that are in great condition. Out with the used and in with the new, I always say! ;) Ok, I've NEVER said that, but it might catch on if someone else said it, too. I'm interested in getting some men's button down shirts to try this really cute men's shirt makeover that turns it into a ruffled blouse. The trick is to find one that's a size or so bigger than you wear, and being comfortable with your seam ripper (since a lot of the shirt is cut apart/ripped out before you make the alterations). Raid your man's closet, too, because if yours is like mine, he's got some stained up stuff in there just begging to be re-purposed. Since you're going to be cutting a lot of it away and then covering some with ruffles anyway, you can very likely hide any spots that didn't want to come out in the wash. I'm also hunting up a storm for some new patterns, and just to let you know-Joann's has them on sale until tomorrow (1/2/12) for $0.99! I think there's a limit of 10, but if you take your husband in there, he'll hold some for you, and you can get double. :-D Yup, I'm THAT cheesy when it comes to my pattern needs. Another great idea that I adopted in the aftermath that happened on December 26th-go and buy up stuff that is marked as 'defective' or 'irregular', because sometimes you can save mega bucks (over 50% in my case!) because there's a pulled hem, or because a button or two has been pulled out by overzealous shoppers trying things on. I got several pieces at Old Navy (out of state, but it doesn't really matter) that were considered 'damaged' for these reasons, but they are a quick fix. Tons of items get thrown out or donated every season because people think it's going to take tons of time or energy or money to get them fixed. IT WON'T. :-D Tailoring something is WAY cheaper than going totally new, and if your family is like mine, we need every penny! Feel free to add a comment that describes your amazing finds! I love to learn from others!

Friday, December 30, 2011

Christmas 'Crunch"

Good afternoon! I'm feeling crummy today, with aches, stomach pains and general frustration. I can't stand being sick! I did finally take some photos of my daughter's playhouse, so here they are! There's a shot of her little "WELCOME" mat, which is nothing more than 2" felt letters on a textured piece of felt! (Yes, I could have hooped and embroidered it, but I was in the Christmas "Crunch" and didn't have time). I also wish I had done something more life like with the flowers and shrubs, but again, time wasn't on my side this holiday. I made this based on the McCall's pattern M6369, and it was very easy (for me, a medium/experienced seamstress who otherwise makes clothing for a living). I'd recommend that you use only lightweight fabrics for your iron on appliques (the greenery and flowers) because otherwise, you'll spend your life ironing through the heavy duty wonder under. If you haven't used wonder under, it's a product that helps appliques along, fusing the layers together. It makes a much more beautiful, flat, professional looking applique. I know the first ones I made without it were so super wrinkly, even if I ironed the fabric, because it got pulled a bit in the machine. This helps my work be better, but other people swear by other stabilizers and products, so feel free to let me know about the awesomeness that is your experience! I also went to JoAnn Fabrics today, and I got a pretty good deal on some dark green fabric with 1/4 inch white dots. Happy happy!

Thursday, December 22, 2011


Hi! Welcome to Amanda's Hang Ups! This is a blog about custom sewing, applique, embroidery and life raising my family. I'll share some of my triumphs (like finding awesome deals on supplies and patterns) and tragedies (like not having enough time in the day to sew for my own child). I'll be sharing my ideas with you, and hope that you'll do the same. I haven't been doing this for 35 years (just 6), and we can all learn from each other. Everyone has something to offer! I love to hear about new recipes, time savers, couponing, crafting, sewing and just creating!